The Organic Company of Giuseppe Brancatelli, family run, produce great quality wines in the wonderful Val di Cornia, overlooking the Tuscan Coast, between the sea and rolling hills, drawing a rainbow of colors and perfumes inviting you in this “Divine” paradise.
The vineyards planted in the last decade of 1900 enjoy a particular microclimate which favors the development and maturation of the grapes. This and the sea breeze that constantly blows in the vineyards determine the perfect health of the fruit.
The dream of Giuseppe Brancatelli, of creating a great wine, born when as a child with his dad looked after their vineyards in Sicily, today came true.
Giuseppe wants to share this important moment with all the ones that, like him, love and respect this magical nectar that makes us dream, reflect and enjoy the beautiful moment shared with friends.
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Credits by SOCIETA' AGRICOLA BRANCATELLI SRL - P.IVA: 01221070533 - C.F.01221070533 - CIN IT049012B5KIU2GE7C - testi e foto by SOCIETA' AGRICOLA BRANCATELLI SRL