Cala Violina is one of the most evocative corners of the Maremma, it is a protected area within the Bandite di Scarlino Nature Reserve .
Rather long and spacious, this strip of beach is characterized by the particular white sand with grains of quartz and the crystal clear water . It could be mistaken for a tropical beach instead it is located a few km from the Brancatelli Farmhouse. The magnificent panorama is completed by the dense Mediterranean scrub that reaches almost to the sand.
To reach Cala Violina it is necessary to take a short path parallel to the coast from which you can admire a beautiful view over the bay of Follonica, the promontory of Piombino, the Island of Elba and the promontory of Punta Ala . The path is easily accessible for everyone: it can only be accessed on foot, by bicycle or on horseback.
The beach is called Cala Violina precisely because, walking barefoot on its sand, it emits a very faint but easily audible violin sound in the absence of other sources of noise. During the high season it can also get very crowded, so the ideal time to visit it and catch that music is in spring. But even on sunny winter days Cala Violina can offer pleasant moments.
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